Sometimes, we’re quick to stereotype people based on their gender without knowing the full story. It’s specially true of our perception about women drivers. So, this International Women’s Day, let’s drive out the stereotyping of women, and celebrate them for being in the driver’s seat both in the car and off it.
The campaign was released on Facbook, Instagram, Twitter, and as WhatsApp forwards.
Posts and forwards-
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Sometimes, we’re quick to pass judgements without reading the full story. This International Women’s Day, here’s to the ones who choose to take the wheel and challenge stereotypes. Celebrate them by sharing and tagging your favourite women. Happy Women’s Day!
#WomensDay #WomenDrivers #TakeTheWheel #ChooseToChallenge
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.