ChocosFills 2017 Q4

Kellogg’s ChocosFills, 4th Quarter, 2017- ChocoRobbers can’t stay away from chocolates, their always-on conquests on social.

Going after Santa’s chocolaty treats, Mission Impossible style-

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Ahh, Christmas spirit is in the air again. And it seems like our ChocoRobber is back to his old antics, this time going after Santa’s chocolaty treats. #MerryChristmas

New Year’s eve. Time is ticking for the chocolates-

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The time is ticking for your chocolaty treats. After all, the year may change but there’ no stopping the ChocoRobbers. Their chocolaty hunt will continue in 2018, stay tuned to catch all the action. Till then, have a #HappyNewYear

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