Task- Create a compelling narrative around Windows 10 that appeals to teenagers residing in small town India.

Your passion needs a platform. We want to connect with the teenagers in small town India. Their place may not have that throbbing energy of a metro but there’s something that burns with a steady flame. The fire in their belly. They have talent and they know they are meant for great things. They are waiting to unleash themselves on the world. They are just waiting for the right platform.

Awards- 1 Gold & 1 Bronze, Lighthouse Insights 2018

Windows 10 platform for those with a passion for art-

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Windows 10 platform for those with a passion for films-

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Product post for Paint 3D on Facebook-

[Post copy]

The reimagined Paint 3D is here to give your doodles and sketches a new dimension. Instantly create cut-outs, add realistic textures and get ready to explore a whole new world of 3D art. Go on, make the most of this exclusive Windows 10 feature on laptops starting at INR 12,999 only @ http://bit.ly/2t1Nset #DoGreatThings

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