Promoting the Golden KitKat® for the 2024 festive season.
Teaser, reveal and sustenance videos-
Your chance to win Gold! Buy the KitKat four finger pack & if you find the golden colored KitKat bar inside, you win gold voucher worth INR 1 Lakh!
#staytuned #kitkat #goldenkitkat #festive #haveabreak
Go Find the Golden KitKat before they are gone!
#kitkat #goldenkitkat #festive #haveabreak
Go Find the Golden KitKat before they are gone! Win Gold voucher worth 1 lakh if you find one!
#kitkat #goldenkitkat #festive #haveabreak
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.