Hold the Moment

Task- Promote the new mug that comes free with a Nescafé Gold 200g jar, as a collectible by extending the global thought ‘For the Moments that Matter’.

Idea- I live in the age of fast food and speed dating. I have many chores, goals and ambitions to tend to. I have new destinations to explore, people to meet, foods to try and not to forget, capture it all for my Insta. I don’t want to miss out.

In this rat race to achieve more, my life is passing me by in a motion blur.

I’ve forgotten to enjoy the little moments. A lazy dinner with my family, a cocktail with my wife or a just cup of good coffee with a complete stranger, I just met in the mall.

Life is the sum-total of these little moments. And to really savour a moment, I ought to be present in that moment. To make these moments matter, I need to slow down. When I slow down, I give my senses the right input. My mind holds on to that memory a lot longer.

The Nescafé Gold Mug with the elliptical rim is the marker of that beautiful moment.

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