Indian Summers are famously hot and humid and denim jeans are certainly not considered summer-friendly. Levi’s® launched the Cool Collection range, woven with Coolmax® fabric, crafted specifically to keep one cool and dry.
Objective- To create relevance for the new range of clothing.
Idea- We developed a ‘Keep Cool’ banner that gave a live temperature update and then plugged in a contextual product message. The banner would then direct the user to the campaign page that showcases the range and elaborates upon the fantastic technology backing it.
Execution- We created a temperature-location tracking dynamic banner using Flash and php for paid and owned media respectively. This banner would first detect a user’s IP through and script, then map the IP against a Geo IP database, and basis the location the weather in the user’s locale was pulled via a weather API. Another script would then detect the weather condition and would throw up the relevant version of the banner & site skin. All this would happen at the time the publisher’s homepage (i.e. MSN) loads. The messaging reflected on banner and site skin was in sync with the temperature/weather outside and in all scenarios; it gave the users a reason to switch to the Cool Collection. For instance, if it was a scorching 40 degree it pushed the Cool Collection as being a perfect fit, but for cities that may have had more pleasant weather, the messaging connected the breeze and comfort with the feeling of wearing the cool collection.
Banner with different temperature readings based on their location-
The MSN banner with dynamically changing skins depending on the temperature-
The HTML5 landing environment for the Keep Cool campaign-
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.