Tasty Mantras

Special K is the diet food division of the famous breakfast brand, Kellogg’s. One consistent problem of the brand was that their cereal was perceived to be bland, therefore the consumers didn’t stick to it for long. To counter that, Kellogg’s got Ranbeer Brar, a celebrity chef, to prepare 30 delicious recipes with Special K and devised a programme to disseminate the content through various online and offline channels.

Before the start of the campaign which was called ‘Tasty Mantras’, we created a bunch of Facebook posts as teasers leading up to the final launch.

Facebook posts, coming soon-

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Innovative Special K recipes to keep you on track with your health goals, and in love with your meals. Coming soon.

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Who says dieting can’t be pleasurable? Recipes that take away the sin from sinful cravings! Coming soon!

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5 pm snack. We understand how hard it is to stay in control in the evening, when fatigue just begins to kick in. We’ve got you covered.

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Everything seems to take ages when you’re running late right? We’ve got breakfasts that can play superman and save your day!

Finally, this one was posted the day before the recipes were made public-

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We roped in chef Ranvir Brar. Maybe because eye candy is not fattening at all! Watch him dish out spectacular stuff with his video recipes on Facebook from tomorrow.

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