Wiki Bhasha

Microsoft developed an application/plugin for Wikipedia called ‘Wiki Bhasha’. The plugin enables the user to input content in their own language which automatically gets translated to the default language of the mother application. Users can also view content in their own language using this plugin. 

Wiki Bhasha, an ambigram- An ambigram is a design that may be read as the same word or phrase when oriented in two different ways, usually when reflected in a vertical axis or when rotated through 180 degrees.

In other words, people sitting across from each other will read the same word which is placed between them, thus breaking language barriers.

Wiki Bhasha in an ambigram-

Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo

Browser and mobile icons-

Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo

Other logo options-

Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
Microsoft Wiki Bhasha Logo
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