The country-wide lock-down during the COVID19 pandemic was unprecedented. While the medics, care givers, police and sanitation workers went out on a limb to keep the rest of us safe, ordinary citizens did their bit by maintaining social distance, wearing a mask, washing their hands frequently, managing work from home and doing a hundred other little things to respect the lock-down.
Honda Car India thanked the citizens of the country for their patience, perseverance and heroic acts through a series of 3 videos on their social media channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Heroes at work-
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They put their lives at risk for us. They go to work so that we can stay safe at home. Honda Cars salutes India’s heroes at work.
#HeroesAtWork #UnitedWithDistance #StayIndoors #ParkYourHonda #StayAtHome
Thank you all-
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The key to win this war is a show of patience and perseverance. We at Honda thank you all for changing gears to stay on course during a difficult time.
#ThankYouAll #KeyRole #ChangingGears #UnitedWithDistance #ParkYourHonda #StayIndoors #StayAtHome #StaySafe
Steer ahead with caution-
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We are the wheels that keep our nation moving. It’s time to take the foot off the brake and steer ahead with caution.
#MarchWithCaution #ChangingGears #StaySafe #MarchWithCaution #SteerAhead
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.