Task- The Crocin page on Facebook was getting limited traction from fans. The task was to encourage actions beyond likes and shares by making the the audience feel good about being associated with the brand.
Insight- People love associating with causes on social media. But the truth is most of the audience are Slacktivists, which means they’ll take the minimal possible action to support a cause.
Idea- The Indian monsoon leaves life-threatening ailments in its wake. Illnesses that can be avoided by taking proper precautions. Our Facebook audience knew how to manage these ailments, but the bulk of the Indian population did not. So, we decided to create a platform where they could now spread the message to those who needed this information the most, the less privileged.
Logo unit and campaign mechanics-
We did this by creating a series of evocative Facebook posts showing different domestic and other helpers. We inspired our fans to take 5 minutes off to give a missed call and share the mobile numbers of their household helps, driver, gardener, security guard, etc. Numbers that they in any case keep handy. The automated platform then reached out to these people via pre-recorded IVR messages telling them how to avoid monsoon ailments. The messages were recorded in 4 vernacular languages to make sure our audience understood the message.
Result- Campaign performed extremely well with an engagement rate between 7-17%. It is not always necessary to associate gratification to engage the audience for a noble cause.
Logo unit and campaign mechanics-
Facebook posts-
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.