The campaign highlights everyday moments in people's lives where they keep their fingers crossed for their biggest break, an Indian victory in the 2023 Cricket World Cup. To commemorate this event, KitKat India released a specially designed pack.
The main film of the campaign is a montage of stunning cinemagraphs, each visual eliciting an emotion of anticipation. The tempo of the film is based on a unique soundtrack composed with sounds from a cricket match, like toss of the coin, crack of the bat, howzatt appeals, crowd cheering in the stadium, running commentary etc.

Disney Hotstar, 40s edit-

Play Video about KitKat FingersCrossed

Displayed below are the creative assets for the KitKat #FingersCrossed campaign, starting from the teasers to match-by-match contextual messaging, all the way to the final.

Before the tournament-

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A show of hands by millions of Indians wishing for Team India’s win in the world cup.

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A cab driver in Mumbai wishes Team India a good start before their first match of the tournament while he waits for his first fare of the day.

During the tournament-

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#FingersCrossed for India’s 9th consecutive win [before the Netherlands match].

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#FingersCrossed for another win so that India retains its top position on the table.

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#FingersCrossed, India wins the vital toss [before the semifinal match]. 

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#FingersCrossed, India gets closer to making history again [before the semifinal].

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#FingersCrossed, India repeats history in 2024 [before the final match].

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India didn’t win the cup, but the Indian Team won our hearts with a glorious,  unbeaten run up to the finals!

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