Italian All the Way!

The Del Monte brand in India has a wide range of products from packaged foods, condiments to fruit juices. We were tasked to create a unique identity for their Italian range of foods. The communication was targeted to the upwardly mobile men & women, primarily living in metros.

Idea- Del Monte sources its pasta and other Italian ingredients from Italy. It carries the true essence of Italy in a way that it virtually transports you to an Italian way of life. You start to see shades of it everywhere. You view the world around you through an Italian themed-lens and everything around you acquires a quality that’s uniquely Italian. The results of that obsessive viewing is what our light-hearted, visually-led campaign will showcase. At the centre of that obsession, quite naturally, will be Del Monte.

DelMonte Italian

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Talk about Italian flavours, and it doesn’t get more authentic than #DelMonte pasta. Sourced directly from Italy, every bite transports you to a place that’s truly, madly, deeply Italian.

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