Microsoft has defined a range of laptops as ‘The Modern PC’. These laptops have at least 4 features in common, they’re slim, come with SSDs instead of hard disks, support a pen tablet and have a longer battery life. Goes without saying, these machines run on Windows 10.

Because of their form factor, they’re easy to carry, SSD makes the machines way faster than the conventional disk, a pen tablet makes doodling, scribbling or annotating possible right on the screen and last but not the least, stronger battery means not being tied to one place.

Route # 1 / Works both ways

Most PCs are categorized by type. PCs for jet-setting executives, PCs for creative folks, PCs for gamers and so on. Depending on the category, a PC may have heavy-duty processing power, or it could be aesthetically pleasing, or it could have some embellishment purely for the benefit of those with artistic inclinations.

While categories may exist as black & white, people come in the most fascinating shades. Even the most avowed number-cruncher is likely to have a creative hobby of some kind. Music, perhaps. Or photography. Or sketching. Likewise, even the ‘creative type’ does foray into the world of numbers and data every now and then.

So, if hard-coded categories don’t apply to us, why should it apply to our PCs? The Modern PC isn’t just one thing or the other. Meaning, it’s not just meant for the right-brained individual or the left-brained one. It works both ways.

Route # 1, print ads-

Route # 2 / Inspired by you

Your PC is so many things. It’s your interface to a world of possibilities. Your only constant travel companion. It’s your ‘thinking’ place, the place for glorious mistakes, and the place for breakthroughs. And your ‘doing’ place, the place for zero drafts, and final drafts. It’s also the portal through which you transmit your ideas to the world.

Which is why the modern PC has been designed around your lived reality. In sight of the challenges that you grapple with every day.
Keeping you at the centre.

Route # 2, print ads-

Route # 2, SSD specific-

Social posts on features, longer battery life and fast SSD-

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