Munching Content

Content ideas for Nestlé Munch which stands for ‘Cool Confidence’.


School of Cool- An online destination for young users looking for smart hacks to get out of sticky situations. The short videos on the property also arm the TG with ideas that would make them stand out in any situation in a cool and confident way. The whole theme is of course devised in a fun, light-hearted way.

Branding of School of Cool-

Munch Cool Confidence

6 second videos on YouTube and other social channels to promote School of Cool-

Play Video about Munch Cool Confidence
Play Video about Munch Cool Confidence

Downloadable web stickers on School of Cool-


Topical posts- Sporting cool Confidence on off-beat days.

World Emoji Day–

[Post copy]

Keep MUNCHing with #confidence #worldemojiday #confidencekacrunch #munchconfidence #munch

World Tongue Twister Day-

[Post copy]

Keep MUNCHing with #confidence #worldtonguetwisterday #confidencekacrunch #munchconfidence #munch


Brand posts-Getting out of sticky situations with Cool Confidence.

Short videos on social-

Play Video about Munch Cool Confidence
Play Video about Munch Cool Confidence
Play Video about Munch Cool Confidence

Munch Charades- A UGC campaign on Facebook,  a weekly Bollywood themed emoji contest. All the teenagers have to do is guess the song, movie or dialogue made out of emojis, and the first 5 correct answers would win a goodie hamper from Munch.

Contest branding-

Munch Cool Confidence

Emoji contest-

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