Every relationship is unique and so are our expressions of love. KitKat celebrates this uniqueness by launching millions of unique Love Break packs on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. So take a break from the usual gestures and express love for your bae, bff or buddy in your own unique way!

Each KitKat Love Break pack comes with a gesture that is made of a unique pattern, no two packs have the same pattern-

We spread awareness through digital films and YouTube Directors’ Mix bumper ads. The unique pattern from the packs was used as a creative device for all executions. For user engagement, we created a chat bot on WhatsApp where one could send a unique message to their loved ones during the Valentine’s week.

Digital films for social media and YouTube-

Play Video about KitKat Love Breaks

[Post copy]

For your one in a million bae, bff or buddy. Share a special break millions of unique KitKat Love Break packs.

#KitKat #KitKatBreak #LimitedEdition #KitKatBreakbantaHai #TryNow #HaveABreak

Play Video about KitKat Love Breaks

[Post copy]

For your one in a million bae, bff or buddy. Share a special break millions of unique KitKat Love Break packs.

#KitKat #KitKatBreak #LimitedEdition #KitKatBreakbantaHai #TryNow #HaveABreak

Director’s Mix ads on YouTube, dynamic messaging based on audience profile and search words-

Love Break Bot, helping users them generate unique personalized wishes for their bae, bff and buddies-


KitKat Love Break Chat Bot promotion on social media platforms and WhatsApp.


KitKat Love Break Chat Bot step-by-step interaction with the user on WhatsApp.


Unique messages in the form of Gifs generated by the bot to be shared with the recipient.

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