Panasonic India introduced a range of smart ACs and other smart appliances that can be fully controlled by a mobile app called MirAIe. MirAIe is a Japanese word which means Future. This campaign was targeted to millennials.
Millennials, people who don’t follow any templates. Be it work, play or otherwise, they operate outside the set norms, making their own rules, following their own instincts. Their world isn’t a constant but a constantly changing thing. And they like being at the centre of that change. Rejecting the future that’s handed to them, because they define their own.
The future belongs to those who reject templates. Just like they do at Panasonic. Where they are constantly inventing, constantly innovating, constantly stretching the possibilities. Writing the future, today.
We called the campaign Meet the Future.
The following web films got millions of views on YouTube. This one in particular received more than 103 million views alone.
Bright mornings with smart appliances-
Air-conditioners with sleep modes-
Smart doorbells with video camera-
Remote controlled plugs and switches-
Print ads, thematic (unpublished)-
Print ads, feature led-
Banner promoting voice command using the ‘unmute’ button-
Standee etc.-
Standee mock-up template designed by Designed by starline/Freepik
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.