Ostocalcium, the companion of strong bones. 1 in 2 of the Indian females do not meet their daily calcium requirement. Post 30, their bones may start losing calcium. We had a series of posts on Facebook to generate awareness for the need of strong bones and Ostocalcilum as the solution.
Are your bones trying to tell you something?
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Up to 1 out of 2 Indian women suffer from low bone mineral density. If you find yourself opting for comfortable shoes over high heels, it could be a case of weaker bones.
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Prefer the elevator to even the first floor? This could be a sign of weak bones. After 30, bones start losing essential Calcium which may not be made up for by the daily diet alone.
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Looking for a place to sit in the shopping mall? Maybe its time to take care of your bones. Our bones start losing essential calcium after the age of 30.
Other generic posts-
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After 30, women start to lose essential calcium from their bones. But that doesn’t change the fact that your little one needs all your love, hugs and kisses. Don’t let low bone mineral density interrupt your precious mummy time.
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Up to 50% of Indian women suffer from low bone mineral density, making it hard for them to sit without back support. If you too find your workouts interrupted with constant breaks, maybe it’s time you considered Calcium supplementation.
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If you’re an Indian woman over the age of 30, then you’re at risk of low bone mineral density. Your daily diet alone may not be able to help maintain a strong bone structure anymore.
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If you’re an Indian woman over the age of 30, then you’re at risk of low bone mineral density. Your daily diet alone may not be able to help maintain a strong bone structure anymore.
Durga puja-
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Today we salute the Devi who proved to the world that real power comes from inner strength.
Osteoporosis Day-
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Pledge to maintain the right exercise and diet regime. Adding Ostocalcium Chewable tablets to your routine will help you stay strong today, stronger tomorrow.
Some random projects-
Credits All work showcased here is created by Indrajeet Bose during his tenure at various ad agencies and as an independent consultant.