Thrill Your Thirst

The latest Mountain Dew TV commercial for Saudi Arabia is about how two friends set out on an adventure to pull their third friend out of a sticky situation. The task was to bring alive the brand’s world of bro, banter and adventure with short videos for social using clips from the existing TVC. Showcasing two of those creatives from the campaign.

Video for social platforms. Ratio 4:5, duration 12.00 sec-

Play Video about Mountain Dew

[Post copy]

Quench your thirst for adventure with the bold, refreshing taste of Mountain Dew. Click here to watch the story of how friends crossed all barriers to help their buddy.

Video for social platforms. Ratio 4:5, duration 15.00 sec-

Play Video about Mountain Dew

[Post copy]

Quench your thirst for adventure with the bold, refreshing taste of Mountain Dew. Click here to watch the story of how friends crossed all barriers to help their buddy.

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