Works Every Time. Del Monte Mayo perks up yesterday’s parantha, adds the right amount of juiciness to a wilting salad, transforms dull sandwiches into drool worthy delights, it turns Ghiya into a Squash Casserole. But how does this product story fit in our consumer’s life in a more relevant and memorable way? Simply by positioning this product as a quick fix solution to a critical situation.

Whether it is the Tiffin tantrums of a fussy kid, yesterday’s leftovers or midnight cravings, no matter what life throws at you, Del Monte Mayo works every time.

Delmonte Mayo

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Play and pause for something delicious! Not only this, try hitting the Jackpot for a chance to win a little treat we’ve in store for you. Share the jackpot screenshot in the comments 😉 #WorksEveryTime #ContestAlert

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[Post copy]

No matter what the fridge throws at you, it always tastes better with Delmonte Mayo.


Delmonte Mayo
Delmonte Mayo
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