Don’t Be A Sucker

Problem- According to a Neilson market research study, Dabur’s Real leads the packaged juices market with a share of 54%, followed by PepsiCo’s Tropicana at 33%, Paper Boat at 1.5% and Del Monte only at 0.6%. Del Monte India, although having a wide range of unique flavours was still lagging way behind the competition because of a lack of brand awareness among the youngsters as well as a general tendency of the consumers to go for more popular flavours, like mango, orange, pineapple etc.

Task- Del Monte was looking to increase its market share and to build a strong TOM recall by making a bold statement to connect with today’s youth.

Insight- Most of us in the society have a fear to tread the uncharted territory and incline to settle for the tried and tested. This herd mentality keeps us from exploring new avenues and as a result, we miss out on life’s many unique experiences. Although Del Monte has a competitive edge with a range of unique flavours, our consumers are still flocking to the popular flavours like mango, orange etc.

Idea- Drawing a parallel between these two gave birth to the #DontBeASucker campaign where we urge our audience not to fall prey to the herd mentality. We illustrated a series of familiar situations where we’ve often been taken for a ride because of this inherent fault in our behavior. Alongside, the campaign also encourages the audience to explore the unknown by subtly plugging in our unique variants.

Del Monte

Execution- To land the campaign, we used Twitter followed by Facebook and Youtube. Twitter influencers like Gabbar Singh and others set the platform abuzz with conversations about default career options to popular but common holiday destinations. How it makes sense to use your head, as you just might find something better than what’s popular. On Facebook, we had a series a posts illustrating those situations and a video from the popular rapper Baba Sehgal.

Result- Data not available.

The campaign was kick-started with a Baba Sehgal video using ‘Kinetic Typography’. Baba embodies the concept of doing one’s own thing irrespective of what others think of it. So here is Baba Sehgal’s take on #DontBeASucker-

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#DontBeASucker trending on Twitter-

Del Monte
Del Monte
Del Monte
Del Monte
Del Monte

#DontBeASucker, thematic on Facebook-

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Following a baba just because your Panipat waali masi does? #DontBeASucker

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Were you pushed into popular career choices? Or did you explore the unknown? Share your experience. #DontBeASucker

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Still obsessing about opportunities 2000 miles away when better may exist right under your nose? #DontBeASucker

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Still following the fashion fads when you could explore your own style? #DontBeASucker #CanIt #DimagLaga

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Still ordering Indian food on an international trip? Try something new, You might find a new favorite. #ExploreTheUnknown #DontBeASucker

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How about moving beyond ‘their’ idea of choosing ‘your’ perfect life partner. #FollowMatKar #DontBeASucker

#DontBeASucker, product out on Facebook-

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Think apples are only red? # Try our delicious Green Apple to see what you’ve been missing. #DontBeASucker #ExploretheUnknown

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We were told, there’s pineapple juice and there’s orange juice. We said, why not both, experience what you’ve been missing. #ExploreTheUnknown #DontBeASucker #CanIt

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Experience what you’ve been missing. #ExploreTheUnknown #DontBeASucker #CanIt

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