KitKat® Celebreak

Content ideas for KitKat Celebreak, a special pack for festive breaks.


Celebreak Karo- Festive celebrations with one’s own twist. So, this year don’t celebrate, Celebreak!

Celebrate replaced with celebreak videos-

Play Video about KitKat Celebreak

[Post copy]

Celebrations Mein Apna Twist Toh Banta Hai!

#CelebreakKaro #MyCeleBreak #KitKat

Videos created by Ashish Prasad for the same campaign-


Share Your Mood- Extension ideas of that year’s TVC, if the mood is festive, it’s meant to be spread by sharing. 

Videos for YouTube and other social channels-

Play Video about KitKat Celebreak
Play Video about KitKat Celebreak

Print ads, sharing the mood with competition-

KitKat Celebreak
KitKat Celebreak

Influencer activation-

KitKat Celebreak

Celebreak Squad journey-

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Some random projects-

View projects by type-
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